Advanced Histogram Maker

This advanced histogram maker offers more customization options, such as stacking, adjusting opacity, setting gaps and bin sizes, adding borders and selecting colors. Additionally, it provides the option to remove outliers.

  Enter data directly
  Paste data from excel
The data should be separated by a line break or a comma. You may paste from Excel. The tool ignores empty cells or non-numeric cells.

How to use the advanced histogram maker

The tool used to create histograms is also known as a histogram maker, histogram generator, or histogram calculator.

  • Title - fill in the chart title and font size
  • Bar Mode
    Overlay - This mode places the bars on the same x-axis position, with no space between them, so they appear to overlay each other. This mode is useful when you want to compare the values of multiple bars for each category. It is recommended to use lower opacity for this mode so that each bar is partially transparent and the bars behind it can be seen.
    Stack - This mode stacks the bars on top of each other, so the total height of each bar represents the total value for that category. This mode is useful when you want to show the total value and the relative contribution of each category to that total.
    Group - This mode places the bars side by side with space between them, so they are grouped together by category. This mode is useful when you want to compare the values of different categories.
  • Bar orientation - choose 'horizontal' for horizontal chart or 'vertical' for a vertical chart. When you change the orientation, the calculator will flip the axes headers.
  • Bin size - by default, the histogram maker calculates the bin size automatically for each variable separately. Once the histogram is generated, you have the option to choose a single bin size for all variables.
  • Legend - Choose from none, right, top, or inside the chart.
  • Horizontal Axis - Enter the header, minimum, and maximum values, or leave the minimum and maximum fields empty for automatic calculation.
  • Vertical Axis- - Enter the header, minimum, and maximum values, or leave the minimum and maximum fields empty for automatic calculation.
  • Chart area - change the color of the chart area..
  • Chart Background - change the color of the chart background.
  • Opacity - the bars' opacity
  • Bar Gap - the width of the gaps between the bars of the same variable
  • Group Gap - When there is more than one variable, this refers to the width of the gap between each group of bars.
  • Exclude outliers - Select this option to exclude outliers for better clarity.
  • Cumulative data - data is accumulated in bins, with each bin containing the data of all the previous bins, similar to the cumulative distribution function (CDF). The total count of data in each bin is less than or equal to the upper range of the bin.

What is a histogram?

A histogram is a graphical representation of numerical data that shows the distribution of the data. When the bin size is small and the number of observations is large, the resulting histogram will resemble a density distribution chart.

How to create a histogram?

  1. Find the range of the numerical data Range = Max - Min.
  2. Choose the number of bins you want to use to present the data.
  3. Calculate the bin size: Bin size = Range/number of bins.
  4. For each bin, count the total number of observations that fall within it.
  5. Present the data as a column chart, where each column represents the number of observations in a bin.

How to choose the number of bins?

When the number of observations is large, you may want to use more bins. There are several ways to calculate the number of bins, for example:

  1. n-sample size. Number of bins = sqrt(n)
  2. Number of bins = Range * n1/3 / 2 * IRQ

You can start with an automatic calculation and adjust the bin size to your preferred histogram.

Is it beneficial to exclude outliers in histograms?

Before excluding outliers from any calculation, it is important to exercise caution as they may contain valuable information. Nevertheless, excluding outliers from a histogram can significantly improve its visualization, even if the outliers are valid observations. If you choose to exclude outliers, the histogram maker will generate the chart without them, resulting in a more practical histogram that better represents the distribution of the majority of data points.

Benefits of histograms for data visualization

The histogram chart is a great way to visualize the distribution of data. Although you can calculate many summary statistics, such as the minimum, maximum, average, median, mode, and standard deviation, a histogram always provides a clear visual representation of the data distribution. By displaying the frequency of data within certain intervals, a histogram allows you to see the shape of the distribution, including any outliers or gaps. This can help you to identify patterns and trends in your data that might not be apparent from summary statistics alone. Additionally, histograms are easy to interpret and can be used to communicate complex information to a wide audience.